Performance Schedule & History



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Recently Traditional Fictional Morris (RTFM) dances just once a year, at sunset on October 31st.

We start dancing shortly before the expected local sunset time, so that we are dancing as the sun actually sets.  When the dance is done, we disappear silently into the night.

In addition to listing sunset time, the table below also lists a start time; this is the time when we gather at the site.  We arrive early so that there is time to meet, greet, and socialize with our audience before the dancing.  That is also the time to sing pumpkin carols, and other seasonal songs (links to some of these can be found on our links page).

The 2019 Dancing of the AntiMorris

We regret that, due to the need for continued Covid-19 pandemic precautions, we must make our 2021 dancing of the AntiMorris a private event.  We hope that we'll be able to return to our usual event next year.

Here is information on previous dancings of the AntiMorris:

Year Start
2020 5:00 PM 5:39 PM Undisclosed location, due to Covid-19 pandemic precautions
2019 5:00 PM 5:39 PM Somerville Community Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave., Somerville, MA
2018 5:00 PM 5:39 PM Outside the front door of the Somerville Public Library's Central Branch, 79 Highland Ave., Somerville, MA
2011-2017 5:00 PM 5:39 PM Somerville Community Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave., Somerville, MA
2009-2010 4:15 PM* 5:39 PM Somerville Community Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave., Somerville, MA
2007-2008 5:00 PM 5:39 PM Somerville Community Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave., Somerville, MA
2002-2006 4:00 PM** 4:39 PM** Somerville Community Growing Center, 22 Vinal Ave., Somerville, MA
2001 4:00 PM** 4:39 PM** Kresge Oval, MIT, 48 Massachusetts Ave., Cambridge, MA

* - In 2009 and 2010, as the 31st fell on weekend days, we met earlier than usual, and had two local "regular" morris teams (Pipe Dream and Red Herring) join us to dance prior to sunset.

** - Prior to 2007, Daylight Saving Time did not include October 31st, making the time for AntiMorris one hour earlier according to local clocks.

This page belongs to and is maintained by Jeremy H. Kessler.  It was last updated on 31 October 2021.
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